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Brand Information
Brand Name: Behr Premium Plus No. 75 Enamel Undercoater Primer/Sealer Interior
Form: liquid
Product Category: Home maintenance >> Primer >> interior, undercoat
Home maintenance >> Primer >> interior
Customer Service No.: 800-854-0133
Date Entered: 2001-06-25
Related Items: Products with similar usage in this database
Manufacturer: Behr Process Corp.
Home Depot
Address: 3400 Garry Avenue
City: Santa Ana
State: CA
Zip Code: 92704
Telephone Number: 714-545-7101
Fax Number: 714-241-1002
Toll Free Number: 800-854-0133
Date Info Verified: 2004-01-09
Related Items: Products by this manufacturer
Health Effects
The following information (Health Effects, Handling/Disposal, and Ingredients) is taken from the product label and/or the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) prepared by the manufacturer. The National Library of Medicine does not evaluate information from the product label or the Material Safety Data Sheet.
Warning from
Product Label:
Warning! This product contains chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Warning! Irritant! Harmful if swallowed. Contains: ethylene glycol. May cause eye, nose and throat irritation. Avoid contact with skin and eyes and avoid breathing of vapors and spray mist. Wear eye protection and protective clothing.
Use only with adequate ventilation. To avoid breathing vapors and spray mist, open windows and doors or use other means to ensure fresh air entry during application and drying. If you experience eye watering, headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air. If properly used, a respirator (NIOSH approved for organic vapor with p series particulate pre-filter) may offer additional protection; obtain professional advice before using. A dust mask does not provide protection against vapors. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wash thoroughly after handling. Close container after each use. Keep out of reach of children - do not take internally.
Acute Health Effects: From MSDS
Inhalation: Product is a mild irritant. Effects are temporary and reversible. Vapor odors may cause irritation in the upper and lower respiratory tracts, nausea, headaches, and dizziness.
Eye Contact: Product is a mild irritant. Effects are temporary and reversible. May cause irritation, redness, and tearing.
Skin Contact: Product is a mild irritant. Effects are temporary and reversible. May cause minor irritation and/or redness. Not absorbed into skin. Repeated skin contact may result in the development of an allergic skin reaction in a small number of individuals.
Ingestion: Harmful if swallowed. Ingestion can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and gastrointestinal irritation.

Available toxicology, chemical and physical data show that overexposure is unlikely to aggravate any medical condition.
Chronic Health Effects: MSDS: CHRONIC
None known.
Product is not a known carcinogen.
EYE CONTACT: Flush with water for 15 minutes. Expose to fresh air. Call Physician immediately.
SKIN CONTACT: Wash with soap and water for 15 minutes.
INHALATION: Remove to fresh air. Call physician if experiencing any difficulty breathing.
INGESTION: DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING! CALL PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY. Activated charcoal may be administered. If conscious, feed two glasses of water.
Health Rating: 1
Flammability Rating: 0
Reactivity Rating: 0
HMIS Rating Scale: 0 = Minimal; 1 = Slight; 2 = Moderate; 3 = Serious; 4 = Severe; 
N = No information provided by manufacturer; * = Chronic Health Hazard
MSDS Date: 2000-04-07
Keep containers closed when not in use. Do not store or handle near heat, flames, or strong oxidants. Store in cool, well ventilated areas. Rotate stock to use older material first. Inspect for leaks or cracks in all containers.

OTHER PRECAUTIONS: Do not store in freezing areas. Keep in temperatures above 32 degrees F. Empty containers may still contain residues (vapors, liquid or solid), therefore all empties should be subjected to the same hazard precautions given in this MSDS. Keep away from children!
Product does not meet the definition of hazardous waste under the U.S. EPA regulations. However state or local hazardous waste regulations may apply if they are different from the federal regulations. Triple rinse container, then dispose of in a sanitary landfill, if allowed by local regulation.
Ingredients from MSDS/Label
Chemical CAS No / Unique ID Percent
Zinc compound(s) (unspecified) 000000-00-9 2
Ethylene glycol 000107-21-1 4.33
Methylisothiazolinone 002682-20-4 <0.09
Methylchloroisothiazolinone 026172-55-4 <0.09
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Specialized Information Services   U.S. National Library of Medicine,
8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20894
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health & Human Services
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Last updated: May 12, 2005